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Special Announcement:

If you finance through ACU of Texas, we automatically approve you for the lowest rate that you qualify for.

You can take your rate from ACU of Texas and shop virtually anywhere and put the bargaining power back in to your hands.

Myth: Zero-percent financing usually requires a shorter-term loan, which can require higher payments.

The most common zero-percent finance deals tend not to extend for as long as the conventional auto loans, so many buyers may opt for the conventional loans in order to keep the monthly payments lower, even though they will end up paying a lot more money in the long term. There are, however, exceptions to this rule, in which zero-percent financing may be offered in longer terms. 
Myth: Zero-percent financing requires unblemished credit to qualify.
Not necessarily, as some finance programs are moving to go after an expanded audience of buyers with less than perfect credit scores.
Myth: Zero-percent financing is available only on a limited number of models in dealer stock - not on special orders or certain option packages.
This is true, most zero-percent deals tend to apply only to the vehicles on the dealer lot and they may not include special option packages or premium models.
Myth: Zero-percent financing is usually offered in an either/or situation with a cash rebate and you must choose between the two.
This is true, most of the programs typically follow this formula.
If you qualify for zero-percent financing, negotiating a lower price on the vehicle may be more challenging.
Although this may happen, a reputable dealership will be open to negotiating the deal before applying the zero-percent financing to your sale. As always, we recommend you do your homework before buying.

Join The CU That Cares

When you become an Associated Credit Union of Texas member, you become part of everything we do to improve the quality of life in our community.

Last year, we provided $5,923,116 in savings to our members, saving each household approximately $281.

Let's Hear From #happyACUTXmembers!

Rick's story about service

My auto loan went through as smooth as glass. It is enjoyable working with people that know exactly how to get the job done.
Rick – Member

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